I’m a Ph.D. candidate from the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. I’m advised by Prof. Biing-Hwang (Fred) Juang. My research interest is in Natural Language Processing, Dialogue System Automation, and Spontaneous Speech Recognition. Before attending Georgia Tech, I got my B.S. in Communications Engineering and honor graduation from Harbin Institute of Technology, China.
I’m currently focused on semantic representations in spoken language understanding (SLU), dialogue state tracking (DST) for dialogue service automation, and deep learning methods for sequential labeling tasks.
I did an applied science internship at Amazon Alexa AI in the fall of 2021 towards cross-lingual commonsense knowledge transfer and had a great working experience with Zhongkai Sun, Cynthia Lu, Yunji Wang, and Chengyuan Ma. I’ve also been with Interactions LLC for an NLP research internship with John Chen, working on text generation to improve natural language understanding for food service. I also did a research internship on factual correction for knowledge-driven dialogues via masking and rewriting at Tencent AI Lab, working with Kun Xu and Linfeng Song.
My thesis research aims to automate task-oriented dialogue systems to facilitate various services via human-machine dialogues. Topics cover spoken language understanding for semantic parsing, dialog modeling for managing dialog states, etc.